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Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope Images

Posted on December 31st, by Shaun Merrigan in Electronics, Oscilloscopes, Tektronix 556, Vacuum Tubes. Comments Off on Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope Images

Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope Images

Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope Images

What follows is a series of images of my Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope displaying various waveforms.  I am learning about this scope and how to use it.

A brief description of the unit can be found here: Tektronix 556

Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope: Square Waves, one channel per beam.

Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope: Pyramid waves, two channels per beam

Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope:Pyramid waves, two channels per beam

Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope:Pyramid waves, one channel per beam

Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope: Two channels per beam, no inputs grounded.


Thanks for reading.


Shaun M.

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