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Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope Testing: Vertical Bandwidth

Posted on January 27th, by Shaun Merrigan in Electronics, Oscilloscopes, Tektronix 556. Comments Off on Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope Testing: Vertical Bandwidth

Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope Testing: Vertical Bandwidth

I have been doing some basic testing of my Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope, and I have documented some parts of this process.  I have also captured images of the traces, which I will share here.

Test Setup: Tektronix 556, 1A2 plug-in, Timebase A, Tektronix SG 503 Generator, and Tektronix TG 501 Time Mark Generator

I found the -3db vertical bandwidth of the 1a2/556 to be 65 Mhz, which is to be expected for the 50 Mhz rated 1A2.

TM 500 Module with Plug ins

TM 500 Module

50 kHz Reference Signal 6v peak to peak

Tek 556 with 1A2 Vertical 50 KHz BW Test

5 MHz Sine Wave 6v peak to peak

Tek 556 with 1A2 Vertical 5 MHz BW Test

20 MHz Sine Wave 6v peak to peak

Tek 556 with 1A2 Vertical 20 MHz BW Test

40 MHz Sine Wave 4.8v peak to peak

Tek 556 with 1A2 Vertical 40 MHz BW Test

50 MHz Sine Wave 4.3v peak to peak

Tek 556 with 1A2 Vertical 50 MHz BW Test

65 MHz Sine Wave 4.2v peak to peak

Tek 556 with 1A2 Vertical 65MHz BW Limit

I will continue this testing by investigating the absolute maximum trigger frequency of the system.

Thanks for reading.

Shaun M.

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