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Tektronix 7904 Oscilloscope

Posted on October 30th, by Shaun Merrigan in Electronics, Oscilloscopes. Comments Off on Tektronix 7904 Oscilloscope

Tektronix 7904 Oscilloscope

Here are some images of one 7904 mainframe  with a 7A24 vertical module and a 7B92A horizontal module.  The scope screen shows the pulse from an S52 pulse head; the rise time is about 850ps which translates into a bandwidth of about 412 MHz.  Since the 7A24 plug-in is specified at 400 MHz, this is about right.



Very fast rise time pulse on a Tektronix 7904 with a 7A24 vertical module

Very fast rise time pulse on a Tektronix 7904 with a 7A24 vertical module


This is the same pulse from an S52 pulse head but using an S4 sampling head instead of the 7A24 vertical amplifier

Very fast rise time pulse on a Tektronix 7904 with an S4 sampling head

Very fast rise time pulse on a Tektronix 7904 with an S4 sampling head


Shaun Merrigan

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