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Nest Thermostat Update

Posted on October 10th, by Shaun Merrigan in News, Tech. Comments Off on Nest Thermostat Update

I was pleasantly surprised to see that my NEST Gen 1 thermostat updated itself to the latest software (V3) last week. This added a couple of new features like filter change reminder based on hours of use(forced air heating), energy use comparisons to similar house builds, Early On, Auto Schedule in Heat/Cool mode and several other new features. This is the same software that was rolled out with the Gen 2 Nest Thermostat, so I am not feeling left behind.

There were no issues transitioning from cooling season to heating season. We typically have 4-6 weeks in the fall and again in the spring where heating and cooling is not required, and we are just now getting into the heating season. I have had no issues at all with the NEST: Network connectivity has been absolutely stable, and it is functioning exactly as is it supposed to.

My overall impressions so far (about 6 months of use) are that this is a particularly well designed and well thought out piece of equipment that just keeps improving. The feedback I get (heating and cooling usage) is very informative, and the flexible nature of the NEST programming allows it to adapt to our schedule.

Shaun Merrigan

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