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The Nike FuelBand: 5 Months On

Posted on November 15th, by Shaun Merrigan in News, Tech. Comments Off on The Nike FuelBand: 5 Months On

The Nike Fuel Band: 5 Months On

I purchased a Nike Fuel Band in late June 2013 with an idea that I could use it as a step counter over the summer and during the winter.  I did quite a bit of research, and examined competing products. While other products had more features, the Nike FuelBand was elegantly simple, easy to use, looked great and had the best software support (I do not use Android devices).  Since receiving it in June, I have used it continuously for over 5 months, and I am still using it.  How do I feel about it?  I love it.  It is easy to wear, rugged, and easy to use.   No gimmicks, no BS; it just works.

I love statistics, so the hourly, daily, weekly, monthly and yearly charts on the Nike website are great.  I can track my progress, use the data to adjust my goals, see how I am doing versus my few select friends and versus men in my age group.  Since I am a very goal oriented and detail oriented person, the milestones, trophies and badges are very appealing to me.

On the tech side, I had a few problems with the initial release of the iOS app and bluetooth sync.  However those problems are completely gone under iOS 7 and the penultimate version of the app. The operation and sync of the FuelBand with the iOS app and the web app are seamless now.   The firmware in the FuelBand has been updated several times (a painless process), as has the web app.   I should point out that the web app and the mobile app are complementary, and you need to use them both in order fully realize the benefits of the FuelBand.

The battery life of the FuelBand is amazing.  I have gone over a week without recharging (which itself is very fast) and not depleted it.  I am sure that part of this is due to the unit not having a built in GPS  or a myriad of other power draining functions.  The FuelBand will recharge in almost any USB port, even the older USB 2 ports that are not (strictly speaking) set up to charge peripherals.

But statistics and tech aside, I find myself adding more activity day everyday in order to meet my daily  (NikeFuel) goal.  So I am now much more active (quantitatively) than I was 6 months ago, and I am enjoying the whole process.  And to me that is the clincher.

Shaun Merrigan

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