Tag: Dual Beam Oscilloscope
Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope Testing: Vertical Bandwidth
27th January
Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope Testing: Vertical Bandwidth
I have been doing some basic testing of my Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope, and I have documented some parts of this process. I have also captured images of the traces, which I will share here.
Test Setup: Tektronix 556, 1A2 plug-in, Timebase A, Tektronix SG 503 Generator, and Tektronix TG 501 Time Mark Generator
I found the -3db vertical bandwidth of the 1a2/556 to be 65 Mhz, which is to be expected for the 50 Mhz rated 1A2.
TM 500 Module with Plug ins
TM 500 Module
50 kHz Reference Signal 6v peak to peak
Tek 556 with 1A2 Vertical 50 KHz BW Test
5 MHz Sine Wave 6v peak to peak
Tek 556 with 1A2 Vertical 5 MHz BW Test
20 MHz Sine Wave 6v peak to peak
Tek 556 with 1A2 Vertical 20 … Read More »
Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope Images
31st December
Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope Images
What follows is a series of images of my Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope displaying various waveforms. I am learning about this scope and how to use it.
A brief description of the unit can be found here: Tektronix 556
Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope: Square Waves, one channel per beam.
Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope: Pyramid waves, two channels per beam
Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope:Pyramid waves, two channels per beam
Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope:Pyramid waves, one channel per beam
Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope: Two channels per beam, no inputs grounded.
Thanks for reading.
Shaun M.
Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope
5th December
Tektronix 556 Dual Beam Oscilloscope
I had recently the unique opportunity to acquire a complete Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope setup. This comprised the oscilloscope itself, the matching scope cart, original manual, probes and 12 plug-in units. This in itself is rare enough, but in addition, this particular scope has the optically desirable blue phosphor CRT and Tektronix C-27 Camera Bezel. This 50 MHz bandwidth oscilloscope was the state of the art when it was introduced in the mid 1960’s: Tekwiki Tek 556
This will be the first of many posts and updates as I work my way through checking and restoring this beautiful scope.
And now some images:
Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope
Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope
Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope
Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope
Tektronix 556 Oscilloscope
Shaun Merrigan