Tag: Pulse Generator
Tektronix Type 114 Pulse Generator Repair
22nd May
I recently completed repairing/refreshing and calibrating two Tektronix Type 114 Pulse Generators. This is a solid state pulse generator with variable pulse width (100ns – 10ms) and period (1us to 100mS). It can produce pulses of both polarities (-10v to +10v into 50 ohms). It was introduced in 1965. The two examples I obtained were SN 001791 and SN 003460. Initally, both units were produced output, but the waveforms were distorted (rounded square waves) and far out of specification in terms of period, pulse width, and risetime.
Tektronix Type 114 SN 003460 Front Panel
Tektronix Type 114 SN 003460 Overview
Tektronix Type 114 Pulse Generator SN 001791 Front Panel
Visual inspection also revealed damaged components and mechanical damage. A summary of the issues found follows:
Pulse width and period were out of specificationNegative pulses and square waves were … Read More »