Tag: Roetest
Vacuum Tube Tester: The Roetest
17th March
I recently completed the construction of a PC controlled vacuum tester: The Roetest. This is a computer-controlled tube tester which works as follows:
Using the PC software, load the tube data from the extensive database
Verify the tube data and pinout on the screen; the tester configures the pin connections automatically
Run the tests for shorts and filament continuity
Run the required tests
Test the tube at full voltage and current (not a pulse test)
Save the result
Add the tube and test data to inventory
Roetest V10 Front Panel and case
Roetest V10 Main board and plug in boards
Roetest V10 Front Panel
Construction Details:
4600 Solder Joints
600+ Components
20 separate circuit boards
Mechanical work for socket boxes + drilling and tapping heatsink
150+ hours
Using the PC software, load the data for the TUT (Tube under Test). Pinout and base connection information is taken from an extensive database of over 22,000 tube types.
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