Tag: Tektronix CG5011 Calibration Generator
Tektronix CG5001/CG5011 Pulse Rise Time Measurement
25th September
Tektronix CG5001/CG5011 Pulse Rise Time Measurement
I wanted to measure the rise time of the normal and fast edge pulses in a new acquired Tektronix CG5011 calibration generator. The equipment line is as follows:
Tektronix TM5006 mainframe
Tektronix CG5011 Calibration Generator
Tektronix CG5001 Calibration Generator
Tektronix/Tegam 015-0611-01 Pulse Head
HP 83480A Communications Analyzer
HP 83483A Electrical Sampling Module (20GHz)
Background: The original 015-0311-00/01 pulse head was used in combination with the CG551AP and CG5001 calibration generators. The 015-0611-00/01 pulse head is the later version used on the CG5010 and CG5011 calibration generators. The primary differences between the later 0611 and earlier 0311 are:
The 0611 has faster edge rise time of <150 ps or < 160 ps for the Tegam version
The 0311 has slower edge rise time of <200 ps
The 0611 is larger (taller) than the 0311
The 0611 made by Tegam has an SMA output connector
The 611 made by … Read More »