Shaun Merrigan's Information Pages

Tag: Vacuum Tube Box Artwork

New Vacuum tube box scans

Posted by Shaun Merrigan in Site Updates, Tech, Vacuum Tubes. Comments Off on New Vacuum tube box scans

29th October

New Vacuum tube box scans

I have added several new images to my gallery of Vacuum Tube Box Artwork.

The new images include Westinghouse, Tung-Sol and Quality Brand tube boxes.


Quality Brand Tube Box Side 2

Westinghouse TV Receiving Tube Box Side (4)


Shaun M



New Section added: Vacuum tube glow, box scans and artwork

Posted by Shaun Merrigan in Site Updates, Tech, Vacuum Tubes. Comments Off on New Section added: Vacuum tube glow, box scans and artwork

27th October

New Section added: Vacuum tube glow, box scans and artwork

In the spirit of both preservation and exploration, I have added a new section to the the under Photography: Vacuum tube glow, box scans and artwork

Here I will be documenting the artwork used on vacuum tube boxes as well as showing some of the images I have captured of vacuum tubes while they are operating.  I will be adding more images over time as I work through my vacuum tube inventory.


12AU7 “Blue Glow”