Tag: Windows
Audible: Get it to work with WMP, Sonos and iTunes
24th March
Audible: Get it to work with WMP, Sonos and Itunes
I recently looked into joining Audible again after a hiatus of several years. Looking at the greatly expanded catalog, and the new owner (Amazon), I decided to take the plunge. My goal was to have all the audio books available on all my devices: Audible, Windows Media Player, my iPads and Sonos. The good news is that this can be done, but the process is not straightforward. There are a number things to watch out for:
Only use Audible Audio Format 4 for replay on all of the above devices. This is the highest quality that is available on all the devices. The “e” format sounds better, but will not play on Sonos or WMP
You need two pieces of software from Audible: the Audible Manager, and the Audible Download Manager. It is … Read More »